Novel Medical Approach for Fetal Health Monitoring

A Program aiming to provide innovative solutions for fetus and maternal home monitoring and health assessment.

A passive monitoring application for the tracking of your fetus wellbeing.

A portable and wearable user friendly fetus monitoring device, projecting simple and accurate fetus wellbeing feedback indications.

A Start-Up

Aiming to provide innovative solutions for fetus and maternal home monitoring and health assessment.

Our Strategy

Projection of novel Artificial intelligence techniques on Real-Time data, collected by highly sensitive sensor array, to detect a vast range of health anomalies.

Our Vision

To Create a world-wide BioMed community, accessible for every human being.

Our Solution


Project MOMAI, a MOM-Ai personal smart belt.

Current Technology Status – Target Solution

Over the last 50 years, there were no significant technological breakthroughs in fetal well-being assessment methodology and in stillbirth prevention tools Development.

Today, doctors rely on Doppler monitoring, maternal perception and human instincts to assess fetal movements.

These current methods have limited abilities to provide early and continuous information regarding fetus well-being.

MomAI aims to provide a new technology solution capable of supporting early, continuous and portable 24/7 fetal monitoring.

MOMAI-TECH Private Company
GCR No: 179994001000
Address: 17-19 Soulie St. Athens, 11745, GREECE.